This is the second in a series of articles discussing the real-world problems addressed by SystemBlend™. For this article, I’ll describe how SystemBlend helps contributing teams implement their subsystem models.

Imagine Joaquin is the engineer in charge of building a thruster model for Burner’s, LLC to be used in a satellite simulation sponsored by Simulations-Я-Us, Inc. Ben is the engineer in Simulations-Я-Us who is in charge of integrating Joaquin’s model into the simulation:

Without the proper tools, there will be considerable back-and-forth between Ben and Joaquin to get the simulation integrated properly.
Low-Level Details
In order for the thruster model to work within the integrated simulation, Ben must understand many low-level details in order to initialize and run it. Joaquin must provide considerable support to get him up to speed:

Getting an engineer up to speed on your own model is time consuming and can be frustrating. It is doubly so getting a remote engineer up to speed. This can consume much of Joaquin’s time and resources.
With SystemBlend, the situation is quite different. Joaquin is working with ComponentGuide, and doesn’t need to bring anybody at Simulations-Я-Us up to speed:

Instead of getting Ben up to speed, Joaquin is instead working with ComponentGuide. He is using his usual tools and techniques to develop the component, but ComponentGuide is guiding him in the implementation of the interfaces. Instead of spending days or weeks getting Ben up to speed, he is focused on his model development.
SystemBlend saves time and frustration for the teams building subsystem models in a distributed simulation project.