Problems Solved by SystemBlend™, Part 3: Integration Difficulties

This is the third in a series of articles discussing the real-world problems addressed by SystemBlend™. For this article, I’ll describe how SystemBlend helps integrate components from different contributing teams into an integrated simulation.
Imagine Jonathan is the engineer in charge of integrating the components from vendors into the full simulation:
Without the proper tools, there will be considerable back-and-forth between Jonathan and the subsystem developers to get the simulation integrated properly.

Low-Level Details

In order for the subsystem models to work within the integrated simulation, Jonathan must understand many low-level details in order to initialize and run it. He needs considerable support from the subsystem developers to get him up to speed:

Learning and managing another developer’s model is always frustrating, and Jonathan must mind-meld with every subsystem model. In most projects, this is a full-time job for him.

The alert reader might notice that Jonathan’s support is the same as the support Joaquin had to provide in my previous post. However, it is much more frustrating from Jonathan’s point of view, because he has to learn other engineers’ models, and he has to do it for multiple models. In addition, he needs input from the subsystem developers, but he might not have authority to request their resources.

With SystemBlend, the situation is quite different. Jonathan is working with IntegrationMaster, and doesn’t need to mind-meld with the subsystem models:

Instead of learning the model details, he is instead using the drag-and-drop integration provided by IntegrationMaster. This saves months the first time the simulation is integrated, and days or weeks each time the simulation is re-integrated to incorporate any updates.

SystemBlend saves time and frustration for the engineers that are integrating the simulation.

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